Feather Mites
There are several different species of mite that survive by eating blood, feathers or skin debris.
The mites that cause the most problems are the northern fowl mite, depluming mite and quill mite.
Northern Fowl Mite
A brown/grey mite <1mm in length. It lives solely on the bird and feeds on blood.
In severe infestations a bird may show signs of:
- Poor performance.
- Poor feather condition.
- Increased susceptibility to other diseases.
Quill Mite
A very small mite that spends its whole life on the bird. It feeds on feather pulp and can cause severe damage to growing feathers by burrowing into the shafts.
Birds with severe infestations may show signs of:
- Poor feather condition.
- Horizontal lines in the shafts of affected flight or tail feathers.
- Irritation and itchiness
- Feather loss.
Depluming Mite
A very small mite that spends its whole life on the bird. It burrows under the skin around the feather shaft causing inflammation and irritation around the base of the feather.
Severe infestations can result in:
- Feather loss.
- Irritated and itchy birds.
- Poor feather condition.
- From visual inspection or examination of the areas that the mites live under microscopy (e.g. feather pulp for quill mite).
- All these mites are susceptible to spot on treatments like ivermectin.
- Maintain regular and thorough cleaning and disinfection within the lofts.
- Isolate and treat new birds entering the loft.