URGENT: Salmonella Samples
Some samples are still being sent to the old lab address. We have been making daily runs to collect these samples, however, this has now ended and the old pre-paid envelopes will no longer be accepted by the Royal Mail. Any samples sent to the old Milton address will not be collected, logged, or tested.
To avoid delays and samples not being processed, please check your submission forms before sending samples to make sure that you have the correct address.
Our new address is; Newbridge Scientific, 1 Melville Park, Newbridge Industrial Estate, Clifton Hall Road, EH28 8PJ. If you need more submission forms, kits, or require pre-paid labels for the new laboratory, please contact the Sheriff Hutton branch at [email protected] or ring us on 01347 820366.
Treating Red Mites by using Exzolt and Hysolv CBM8 MV
Red mites are blood sucking parasites that live in housing and feed on hens during the night. Red mites are a persistent problem on many sites, but are particularly prevalent during warm weather when they quickly reproduce. Many products are now available to treat these parasites, either as sprays for housing, such as Hysolv CBM8 MV, or by using Exzolt, which is given to the birds via the water. Since the release of Exzolt in 2017, we have found that Exzolt is able to remove red mite from the site for the length of a laying flock cycle. Initially only available in 1 litre bottles, Exzolt is now available in 50ml bottles and 1ml dispensing syringes. These volumes can treat flocks of 250 and 5 hens respectively, so small and backyard flocks can now be treated as well.

Hysolv CBM8 MV is a long lasting mite and insect control product to be used in poultry housing. Lasting for up to three months, the latest formulation can be used in occupied housing and is proven to be effective against red mite, flies, beetles and other insects. It is best applied with a low pressure (approx. 2 bar) knapsack sprayer. In very heavy infestations, a second treatment 5-7 days later may be necessary to prevent re-infestation from any newly hatched mite eggs.

If you would like more information about suitable treatments for red mites, please contact your local PHS branch.
Next month find out what can be done practically at farm level to monitor red mites.
‘Biosecurity Bundle’ Special Offer for the month of April…
One 5kg tub of Virucidal WP and one Hysolv ‘Footcheck’ footbath for the bargain price of just £70 (ex Vat)!!! **
Virucidal WP is a DEFRA approved broad spectrum disinfectant for use on all surfaces, equipment and water systems, aerial fogging and foot and wheel baths. Highly effective against viruses (e.g. Avian Influenza), bacteria (e.g. Salmonella), fungi and moulds.
Virucidal WP is a pink powder similar to Virkon S and is more competitively priced than Virkon S (and smells of lemons!); it should be added to the foot dip at a rate of 1:100, i.e. 150g of product to 15 litres of water. The disinfectant solution in the foot dip should be changed at least twice per week and particularly whenever the foot dip is subjected to high levels of organic matter.
To prolong the life of the foot dip solution, a small brush should be kept by the foot dip and used to manually remove as much organic matter as possible from footwear before dipping feet in the solution.
To place an order, please contact Paul Mendham (Veterinary Support Officer) on [email protected].
** Please note purchases may incur delivery charges.

Welcome to Laura Gozalvez
Laura graduated from Valencia University in 2018. Laura worked in abattoir inspection, export certification and farm inspection all over the UK before she decided to join PHS as a poultry intern. Outside of work Laura enjoys hiking with her dog Yuca, reading, and playing the Spanish guitar. Laura is based at our Sheriff Hutton (York) office.

One Month to go until Pig & Poultry Fair!
Come and find us at Stand 285 in Hall 3 at this year’s Pig & Poultry Fair!
There will be vets available on both of the days to answer any questions you may have. Our Commercial Manager, Nikky Motley, will be available for any price queries. Find out all about our new in-house laboratory, Newbridge Scientific in Edinburgh, and its existing sister laboratory in Sheriff Hutton!

Dealing with heat stress in the coming summer months
Here are a few tips to deal with heat stress over the coming months:
(1) Avoid feeding at the hottest times of the day
(2) Thin broilers earlier / lighter weights
(3) Check ventilation and reduce humidity.
These are a few things to help prevent heat stress.
Find out more in May’s newsletter, along with what supplements we would recommend using over the coming summer months.
Advertise with us for free
Do you have a vacancy? Or want to sell equipment? Are you struggling to recruit? In Spring 2022, we will launch the new PHS ‘Classifieds’ section – an online space for advertising jobs, equipment, services and more for the poultry and gamebird industry in the UK. Please contact your local PHS branch for more information or to send us your advert. This service is available for free to PHS clients and for a small fee to non-clients.

Social Media
Social media is a great way for us to keep you up to date with what’s going on at PHS. We also like to share the occasional funny post, so if you’re a scroller then look us up! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter (@Poultryvets)and LinkedIN. Give us a Scan!!