A round up of Pig & Poultry Fair – 15th – 16th May 2024
Wow, what a great two days we had at the 2024 Pig & Poultry fair. The fair hosted lots of expert speakers in both the Pig & Poultry forum theatres. If you missed out on the action you can visit https://pigandpoultry.org.uk/ where you can catch some video highlights. As this was the first year of the fair being held at the NEC in Birmingham the event organisers are looking for feedback to help them improve for future years. If you visited the 2024 Fair and have a spare moment please complete the online survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BPPFvisweb
Big Thank You to Meaka Williams, our Commercial Assistant, for all of her hard work in making the PHS stand a massive success.
Congratulations to Sara Perez and the Team
A huge congratulations to PHS and to all of the winners of the first-ever National Women in Agriculture awards. Sara Perez, our Clinical Director, attended a glittering award ceremony back in May, which was held in the House of Commons member’s dining room. Sara collected the Employer of the Year award and was praised by the judges, who said that her passion and determination to develop young women within the business shone through. You can find out who else scooped up an award here: https://www.nationalwomeninagriculture.co.uk/2024-winners/
Are you remembering to sanitise your water lines?
Bacteria already present in your water lines can grow faster as temperatures increase during the spring and summer months. We stock a range of products to clean the water lines, from hydrogen peroxide products to organic acids. If you would like to test the quality of your water, we can supply water sampling kits along with pre-paid envelopes to return the samples back to the lab. Please visit our Newbridge lab website here https://www.newbridgescientific.com/locations/york to order your kits online.

Special offer and Product of the month: AgriCure Electrovit Extra
Are your birds struggling with stress? Are you worried about their hydration status as the weather warms up? Then PHS has just the product for your bird’s needs. The good news is that this product is currently on special offer. AgriCure Electrovit Extra is a very palatable product which contains dextrose, vitamins and electrolytes. Hydration management is required during events such as reduced water intake, heat stress, and diarrhoea, and well hydrated birds are much better able to manage stressful events. AgriCure Electrovit also contains magnesium, which can inactivate some antibiotics, and so should this product should not be used at the same time as these medications; please ask your vet for advice. For more information about this product or to place an order, please contact any of our branches and one of our poultry vets will be happy to help. The AgriCure range is exclusive to Poultry Health Services. Special offer price whilst stocks last at £28.45 (normally £33.46) for 5 litres bottle. VAT doesn’t not apply to this product. Please note this product is non refundable and the offer is only available on AgriCure Electrovit.
Broiler and Layer Accredited Training Courses:
Accredited layer and broiler courses are available online. There are three modules for layer clients and two modules for broiler clients, which are completed online and are valid for 5 years from the date of completion. Each course lasts around 3 hours and there are some (easy!) questions at the end. On completion you can print your own certificate, which is Red Tractor and Lion Code approved. You can stop the courses at any time and restart them at the point where you left. You can do all modules, or individual modules, as required.
The cost for the layer accredited courses are:
¨ For non-clients: £35 +VAT/module or £77 +VAT for all three.
¨ For clients: £30 +VAT/module or £72 +VAT for all three.
The cost for the broiler accredited courses are:
¨ For non-clients: £35 +VAT/module or £59 +VAT for both.
¨ For clients: £30 +VAT/module or £54 +VAT for both.
Call your local PHS branch to register and get you up and running! Please note multiple course offers must be claimed by the same person. If you have a number of your team wanting a training course please speak to your local PHS branch for bulk training discounts.
Quick! There is still time to register!

Advertise with us for free
Do you have a vacancy? Or want to sell equipment? Are you struggling to recruit? In Spring 2022, we launched the new PHS ‘Classifieds’ section – an online space for advertising jobs, equipment, services, and more for the poultry and gamebird industry in the UK. Please contact your local PHS branch for more information or to send us your advert. This service is available for free to PHS clients and for a small fee to non-clients.
Social Media
Social media is a great way for us to keep you up to date with what’s going on at PHS. We also like to share the occasional funny post, so if you’re a scroller then look us up! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter (@Poultryvets), and LinkedIn.

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