URGENT: Salmonella Samples
Some samples are still being sent to the old lab address. We have been making daily runs to collect these samples, however, this has now ended and the old pre-paid envelopes will no longer be accepted by the Royal Mail. Any samples sent to the old Milton address will not be collected, logged, or tested. To avoid delays and samples not being processed, please check your submission forms before sending samples to make sure that you have the correct address. Our new address is; Newbridge Scientific, 1 Melville Park, Newbridge Industrial Estate, Clifton Hall Road, EH28 8PJ. If you need more submission forms, kits, or require pre-paid labels for the new laboratory, please contact the Sheriff Hutton branch at [email protected] or ring us on 01347 820366.
Important Information: Game Bird Egg and Chick Movements
Due to the very high number of cases of avian influenza in France preventing exports from affected regions, it is now becoming apparent that there will be a shortage of pheasant and partridge hatching eggs and day-old poults this season.
At present we have no further update on when the importation of eggs and chicks from France may resume, despite the best efforts of all involved. However, if and when imports do resume, a licence and/or visits may be required for the movement of eggs, chicks, poults, and ex-layers, depending on local and national avian influenza restrictions at both the origin and destination.
You must have a CPH and be on the Poultry Register before applying for a licence. The Poultry Register is compulsory for anyone with more than 50 birds, and voluntary (but strongly encouraged) for anyone with less than 50. For more information about obtaining a CPH please follow this link: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/register-land-you-use-to-keep-livestock. For more information about the Poultry Register please follow this link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/poultry-including-game-birds-registration-rules-and-forms.
If you are planning to import hatching eggs or poults from France, please contact your local PHS vet so that we can help you to find out what paperwork or visits are required so that things run as smoothly as possible during these unpredictable and changing events.
Biosecurity product range that we sell at PHS
We are now able to supply biosecurity products, including farm disinfectants, detergents and water sanitisers to be used at turnaround and during the crop. We are also able to formulate C&D plans with costs per shed, so that you can be proactive and plan ahead; not only for when the birds are in, but before the birds arrive so that you can ensure the best possible start for your birds. We are offering free of charge delivery for mixed pallets of disinfectants and detergents direct to farm (minimum order applies) and, as a large poultry practice, we are confident that we can be very competitive in price whilst giving you professional, independent advice. For more information, please contact Paul Mendham (Veterinary Support Officer) on [email protected] with your particular requirements.

Important: Changes to invoicing
From 1st June, PHS will introduce e-invoicing as part of our drive to reduce costs and keep our prices low for our clients. In order for this transition to be as smooth as possible please can you ensure that we have the correct email address for invoices to be sent to by contacting your local PHS branch. We will automatically transfer all clients to e-invoicing, so if you would prefer for invoices to continue to be sent via Royal Mail please contact your local PHS branch. Going forward, our Newsletters will also be sent via email instead of in the post. Please contact your local PHS branch if you do not wish to receive the newsletter via email.
Dealing with heat stress in the coming summer months
Here are a few tips to deal with heat stress over the coming months: (1) Avoid feeding at the hottest times of the day; (2) Thin broilers earlier / at lighter weights; (3) Check ventilation and reduce humidity. Also, consider using supplements containing electrolytes, Vit C and betaine (e.g. Agricure Electrovits or Immunoplus) to compensate for low feed intake. This is particularly important 24-48 hours before thinning/depletion. Electrolytes will keep your birds hydrated and also provide an energy boost due to the sugars in them. Supplements containing magnesium have a calming effect on the birds which helps maintain the health of the heart. For further advice or to discuss your particular circumstances, please contact your local PHS branch.

Advertise with us for free
Do you have a vacancy? Or want to sell equipment? Are you struggling to recruit? In Spring 2022, we will launch the new PHS ‘Classifieds’ section – an online space for advertising jobs, equipment, services and more for the poultry and gamebird industry in the UK. Please contact your local PHS branch for more information or to send us your advert. This service is available for free to PHS clients and for a small fee to non-clients.
Social Media
Social media is a great way for us to keep you up to date with what’s going on at PHS. We also like to share the occasional funny post, so if you’re a scroller then look us up! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter (@Poultryvets) and LinkedIN.

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