URGENT: Salmonella Samples
Some samples are still being sent to the old lab address. We have been making daily runs to collect these samples, however, this has now ended and the old pre-paid envelopes will no longer be accepted by the Royal Mail. Any samples sent to the old Milton address will not be collected, logged, or tested. To avoid delays and samples not being processed, please check your submission forms before sending samples to make sure that you have the correct address. Our new address is; Newbridge Scientific, 1 Melville Park, Newbridge Industrial Estate, Clifton Hall Road, EH28 8PJ. If you need more submission forms, kits, or require pre-paid labels for the new laboratory, please contact the Sheriff Hutton branch at [email protected] or ring us on 01347 820366.
Royal Mail to Strike We wanted to make you aware of the Royal Mail Strike action on the 8th and 9th of September 2022. There will be no postal collections from business addresses on these days so items will be collected on the next working day. Post Offices will have limited collections and there is no guarantee that items will get collected from the Post Office on these days. Any urgent medications will need to be couriered out. Please plan your sampling and posting dates to ensure your samples can be delivered to the lab within the 4-day testing limit for Salmonella testing. If you think this will not be possible, please contact us in advance so we can try to help. Please visit the Royal Mail website on Royal Mail strike updates | Royal Mail Group Ltd for the most up-to-date information.

Should I treat with Exzolt or CBM8 MV?
Due to the recent heat wave, our vets have seen particularly high number of farms with red mite and insect problems. The weather has allowed the red mites to quickly reproduce and this has been picked up in routine vet visits or through red mite trapping on farms. The gold standard for red mite treatment is Exzolt. Since the release of Exzolt in 2017, we have found that it is able to remove red mite from the site effectively. In occasions, a repeated treatment is needed, particularly if there are breaks on biosecurity, but this remains one of the most cost effective products in the market. As an alternative treatment to Exzolt, we recommend CBM8 MV. What is CBM8 MV? CBM8 MV is a long acting acaricide, microencapsulated for slow release of active ingredients up to a 3 month duration. CBM8 MV is effective against red mites, flies, bettles and other insects. CBM8 is best used at turnaround BUT it can be used for ‘local application’ with housed birds (if you are doing this please ensure that the birds or eggs are not sprayed directly and always follow the manufacturers advice on the label). In very heavy infestations, a second treatment 5 to 7 days later may be necessary to prevent re-infections from any newly hatched mite eggs. If you would like more information about suitable treatments for red mites, please contact your local PHS branch.

Have you cleaned your feed bins and control room lately?
If the answer is no then PHS recommends using Fumagri HA, a disinfectant smoke bomb fogger that eradicates fungal and bacterial contamination. Fumagri HA is ideal for treating feed bins and control rooms, areas which we find are easily and consistently overlooked. Each 16g can treats 20 cubic metres (the size of most control rooms) and feed bins of around 9 tonnes. Next month we will look at what is Fumargri OPP and how this can be used as a second stage disinfectant to replace Formalin in the poultry sheds. For more information on Fumagri HA or to place and order, please contact Paul Mendham (Veterinary Support Officer) on [email protected]. *** Please note purchase may incur a delivery charge if it is below a minimum order***

Bulk orders on our nutraceutical range
At PHS, we have our own brand of nutraceutical products which can now be purchased on pallets for your convenience, offered with delivery FOC (subject to minimum orders). Our supplements are specifically designed by poultry vets and nutritionists for use at stressful times; around vaccination, thinning and transfers, heat stress, and at placement. Our gut health enhancers can help to reduce antibiotic usage at the same time as improving efficiency and productivity. Why to use Newbridge Scientific Labs? We are one of the few laboratories in the UK to have a fully automated (BEAR) blood testing machine which means that we can test large volumes of blood with high precision and uses fewer disposable consumables, making it a more sustainable test. Accreditations, rapid turnaround, and competitive prices make us the lab of choice for the poultry industry. Contact us for more information about what we do and how can we help you. [email protected]

Why use Newbridge Scientific Labs?
We are one of the few laboratories in the UK to have a fully automated (BEAR) blood testing machine which means that we can test large volumes of blood with high precision and uses less disposable consumables, making it a more sustainable test. Accreditations, rapid turnaround, and competitive prices make us the lab of choice for the poultry industry. Contact us for more information about what we do and how can we help you. [email protected]

Advertise with us for free
Do you have a vacancy? Or want to sell equipment? Are you struggling to recruit? In Spring 2022, we launched the new PHS ‘Classifieds’ section – an online space for advertising jobs, equipment, services, and more for the poultry and gamebird industry in the UK. Please contact your local PHS branch for more information or to send us your advert. This service is available for free to PHS clients and for a small fee to non-clients.
Social Media
Social media is a great way for us to keep you up to date with what’s going on at PHS. We also like to share the occasional funny post, so if you’re a scroller then look us up! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter (@Poultryvets), and LinkedIn.
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